My Adventures in Orthotics and Prosthetics.
My Adventures in Orthotics and Prosthetics.
Word count: 1508
Choice count: 31
Section count: 21
Image count: 21
Error count: 10
Field Related Analysis
Education : 77 matches
(choice, class, classes, college, compensation, course, diploma, don, evaluation, field, first, head, high school, intervention, learn, learned, learning, management, private, project, school, students, teachers, test, trainee, training, vacation)Paramedics : 50 matches
(accident, adrenaline, ambulance, anatomy, arm, bandage, blanket, care, catheter, convulsions, diabetes, diploma, doctors, emergency, emergency care, flight, health, hospital, injury, intervention, pain, patients, practice, profession, supervisor, trainee, treatment)Nursing : 39 matches
(absence, accident, adrenaline, alienation, ambulance, amputation, anatomy, ankle, arm, atrophy, b.d., bandage, cervical, clinic, compensation, diabetes, emergency care, evaluation, flight, gangrene, genus, health, hospital, hr, injury, intention)Target Structure: (61 matches)
abolished (1 match)
alienation (1 match)
background check (1 match)
come in handy (1 match)
compensation (1 match)
cursory (1 match)
dead-end job (1 match)
deterred (1 match)
drawback (1 match)
dread (1 match)
drudgery (1 match)
flirtation (1 match)
foot in the door (1 match)
fulfillment (1 match)
getting sucked up in (1 match)
hinder (1 match)
hr (1 match)
if I were you (1 match)
in-depth (1 match)
income (1 match)
ins-and-outs (1 match)
intern (3 matches)
internship (11 matches)
invaluable (1 match)
lack of (1 match)
learn the ropes (1 match)
leave of absence (1 match)
leg work (1 match)
maddening (1 match)
misconduct (2 matches)
more often (1 match)
mortgage (1 match)
office politics (1 match)
ojt (3 matches)
on-the-job-training (1 match)
overtime (1 match)
overwhelmed (1 match)
compensation package (1 match)
pension (1 match)
perpetrator (1 match)
premium wage (1 match)
pull off (1 match)
purpose (1 match)
put aside (1 match)
recipient (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
set aside (1 match)
sexual harassment (2 matches)
straight a's (1 match)
test drive (1 match)
more often than not (1 match)
thoroughly (1 match)
though (1 match)
thoughtful (1 match)
time management (1 match)
trainee (1 match)
undermine (1 match)
vacant position (1 match)
wage (2 matches)
withhold (1 match)
worthwhile (1 match)
My Adventures in Orthotics and Prosthetics.
The end of high school.
I was 17 years old at the end of high school. Like all the other students, I have a decisive and thoughtful choice to make. Indeed, I felt overwhelmed because I had to choose a career field that has to be worthwhile. Two interesting choices were available to me.
Choice 1 : Apply in Orthotics and Prosthetics at Montmorency College.
Choice 2 : Apply in Pre-hospital Emergency Care at Ahuntsic College.
Apply in Orthotics and Prosthetics at Montmorency College.
I chose to go study Orthotics and Prosthetics at Montmorency College. At the end of my first year, I can participate in an on-the-job-training as an intern. This OJT is not required to get my diploma. So, I can choose to do it or not.
Choice 1 : Do not do an internship.
Choice 2 : Do an internship.
Do an internship.
I decided to do an internship in a private clinic, 45 minutes away from my home. By chance, I passed my test drive a week before. I don't feel comfortable driving alone, because too much stress would make me feel maddening.
Choice 1 : Take the car alone.
Choice 2 : Take the bus.
Do not do an internship.
I decided to not do an internship. So, I have to plan my summer differently.
Choice 1 : Apply in a water slide park.
Choice 2 : Take a vacation in Cuba.
Apply in a water slide park.
I have to make money during the summer. So, I find a job in a water slide park. Before getting hired as a trainee, they did a background check. I have almost a foot in the door when the boss met me in the office with some people from HR. They said to me that I can't work there because of my lack of experience. The supervisor added, "If I were you, I would not wear foot orthotics with sandals".
Choice 1 : Start over
Take a vacation in Cuba.
My parents took a leave of absence to go to Cuba with me. During the flight, there was strong turbulence. Almost after 1 hour of flight the plane crashed in the Pacific Ocean. We all die.
Choice 1 : Start over
Take the bus.
The bus was late for my second day at my internship. I was working on an orthotic to correct genus recurvatum at I measured with a goniometer. My boss put aside my project to talk to me in his office. He said that I must have difficulty with time management if I was late to my OJT. So, I don't respect the office politics even if more often than not I'm on time to work. He fired me.
Choice 1 : Start over
Take the car alone.
My internship was going well. As an intern, I learn the ropes of Orthotics and Prosthetics thoroughly. Indeed, I learn to do a check socket of a transfemoral leg amputation, with the intention of doing a prosthesis. Of course, as an intern, I do not have a premium wage. But, because I have straight A's in all do, my boss proposed me a promotion.
Choice 1 : Accept the promotion.
Choice 2 : Refuse the promotion.
Accept the promotion.
I was so happy to accept the promotion. Indeed, I take the vacant position of a prosthetist on maternity leave. I met patients who have been suffering from diabetes which led to gangrene. Necrosis automatically to amputation like a transfemoral or transtibial. So, I quickly become part of the rehabilitation treatment. At this new job, I do often casting on patients in order to do exoskeletal or endoskeletal prostheses. Moreover, prostheses help to decrease phantom limb syndrome. I would like to continue this work for several years for all the help I provide to patients. This is the job that I have always dreamed of!
Choice 1 : The End
Refuse the promotion.
Though I would like a stable job and a good compensation package, I refused the promotion. Because of that, my boss is frustrated with me. He makes me do overtime each week. I did the leg work with a little wage. I could not continue my OJT in such a condition. So, I set aside my work and came to my boss's office. I yelled: "Any way you offer a really bad retirement plan!". Then, I leave this job.
Choice 1 : Start over
Apply in Pre-hospital Emergency Care at Ahuntsic College.
I decided to go study Pre-hospital Emergency Care at Ahuntsic College. The first months were very difficult because I had to learn anatomy and drugs names. Above all that, a boy in my class won't stop staring that me and saying inappropriate things.
Choice 1 : Denounce him.
Choice 2 : Don't denounce him.
Denounce him.
I decided to denounce him to one of my teachers. They punished him for sexual harassment by forbidding him to do his final internship. I don't know if talking to my friend about this situation would be a good idea.
Choice 1 : Talk about it.
Choice 2 : Keep it secret.
Talk about it.
I decided to talk to my friend about his misconduct. A few days later, everybody was trying to undermine me because I denounce him. He biased their opinion. I can't believe that the recipient of a sexual harassment perpetrator was the one at fault. I felt an invaluable pain. People who bully others should be abolished from school. So, I decided to leave the program.
Choice 1 : Start over
Keep it secret.
I decided to keep this a secret. I felt dread in this situation. He can easily restart his misconduct. It was better for my health to stay at home, far away from him. I had an alienation. I sank so many classes that I got kicked out of the program.
Choice 1 : Start over
Don't denounce him.
I decided to not denounce him. I preferred considering it just as flirtation. Quickly, the school year has ended and the internship started. During the first weeks, I felt really come in handy because I could help my co-worker in the ambulance. One day my supervisor said that we have a difficult call, and I should not come.
Choice 1 : Come with them.
Choice 2 : Don't come with them.
Come with them.
I have decided to come with them. That was a huge car accident. My co-worker has to pull off the car a woman. They put a cervical corset on her. She was doing convulsions. I immediately felt the adrenaline and drive of work, I have to help them, even if normally I only do cursory injury. I give a blanket and bandage to them. I didn't even have time to look when my supervisor yelled at me not to look.
Choice 1 : Watch the woman.
Choice 2 : Don't watch the woman
Watch the woman.
My purpose wasn't to watch the woman, but it was stronger than me. I could not withhold myself. The woman had lost her arm during the accident.
Choice 1 : Pass out.
Choice 2 : Stay focused
Don't watch the woman.
I do not watch the scene as he told me. But I feel like I did not do any fulfillment. After, when we all return to the hospital. I did the drudgery in the ambulance. Then, my supervisor said that I was still learning in-depth about the profession and its drawback. I started to feel deterred from my chosen career. I convinced myself that it might be a dead-end job. So, I leave the program after my internship. However, my mother wore ankle orthotic for a few weeks. It gives me the idea to apply to the program Orthotics and Prosthetics.
Choice 1 : Apply in Orthotics and Prosthetics at Montmorency College.
Pass out.
After, seeing her, I automatically fainted. I woke up I was at the hospital. I had a catheter in my left arm. I learned that I hit my head hard on the ground. After some evaluation, doctors determined that I have paraplegia. My legs will slowly atrophy. Because I could not feel my legs anymore, the risk of ulcers is very high. Obviously, I can practice Pre-hospital Emergency Care anymore.
Choice 1 : Start over
Stay focus.
I stayed focused during the intervention. But after I feel like before getting sucked up in this career I should reconsider this career because of the ins-and-outs. In fact, even if this career allowed me this has a good income, a good pension, and pay a mortgage, it will hinder me from having a healthy mind. So, I decided to leave the program.
Choice 1 : Start over
Don't come with them.
I decide to not come with them. So, I returned to my home. On my way, I found a winning Lotto Max ticket of 69 million. Obviously, I leave the program to travel all around the world.
Choice 1 : Start over
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